2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games Selection Criterion and Athlete Petition Form

Chris GroverAugust 21, 2021


Dear Cross Country Community,


You can find the link to the finalized 2022 Beijing Olympic Selection Criterion here:




Thanks to all of you who provided feedback during the construction of the criteria; your input was very helpful.


New this year, any athletes who would like to be considered for a discretionary selection must complete a Petition Form.  The form can also be found at the above link, but here are two direct links as well, first for minors and second for adults:


Minor Athlete Petition Form: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=e80c4503-2c7d-4e35-93bb-897c580f2b93&env=na3&acct=6fe3eeaf-e05d-4691-b23e-0fe542c0389f&v=2


Adult Athlete Petition Form: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=6967fbfa-b6ea-4e6f-90d9-0ff8fc32fde1&env=na3&acct=6fe3eeaf-e05d-4691-b23e-0fe542c0389f&v=2


Here is the wording of the requirement that is in the criterion:


Petition by Athlete Process: 


Any athlete who does not meet the objective criteria in Selection Method No. 1 and No. 3 and has indicated a potential for Olympic success (as outlined in Selection Method No. 2 above) may file a petition for the right to be selected. Athletes may request the Selection Committee’s consideration through Selection Method No. 2 (i.e., by discretionary selection) and Selection Method No. 4 by submitting a petition in writing using the petition form available on https://usskiandsnowboard.org/crosscountry and must state the specific injury, illness, unusual circumstance, or other rationale, and/or the performances to be considered and the circumstances surrounding the need to petition. The petition should be emailed to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard President & CEO (tiger.shaw@usskiandsnowboard.org) before 5:00 PM Mountain time on January 12, 2022. All petitions received will be provided to the Selection Committee by January 12, 2022 for their review and final decisions to be made by January 17, 2022. Athletes who submitted a petition will be informed of the Selection Committee’s decision in writing by January 17, 2022.


Please make special note of the Jan. 12 deadline.  As the criterion states, this petition also includes any athletes attempting to qualify for the team via Selection Method 4 (i.e. SuperTour racing).


Please feel free to call me any time with any questions you might have.


Chris Grover

Cross Country Program Director

U.S. Ski & Snowboard

+1 435 640 8545



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