Comments for FasterSkier — All Things Nordic Wed, 17 Jul 2019 03:01:39 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on USCSA: The “Hidden Gem” Pathway for Non-NCAA Collegiate Skiers by piper1989 Wed, 17 Jul 2019 03:01:39 +0000 I still owe it to USCSA for giving me the opportunity to succeed and grow as an athlete. Because of the positive environment with USCSA, I have had the motivation and drive to move on after competition and stay involved with the sport at the club and collegiate level.

Comment on Front-Page News: American Media Reacts to XC Gold by davisjud Fri, 23 Feb 2018 18:01:22 +0000 In reply to davisjud.

That’s 3-time season champion in Sprint World Cup.

Comment on Front-Page News: American Media Reacts to XC Gold by davisjud Fri, 23 Feb 2018 17:55:18 +0000 It sure was fun to see all the national coverage of cross country skiing. The thing I think they all missed is that Kikkan is a 3-time World Cup Sprint Champion — with 11 World Cup wins and 22 World Cup podiums (among other achievements). She’s not just a mother and a Sochi disappointment who is has been around a long time. Don’t these reporters even use Wikipedia??

Comment on ARD Report: Top Skiers Had Abnormal Blood Profiles, Indicating Potential Doping by rbladel Sun, 04 Feb 2018 23:56:21 +0000 Remember that it’s possible to legally manipulate (raise) hemoglobin/hematocrit by sleeping and/or training at altitude, or using “altitude” tents or rooms. It sounds like the investigation says that these values changed too quickly.

Is it or was it legal to lower a hemoglobin or hematocrit that was too high by drawing a unit of blood? Seems it should be, maybe as long as the authorities were notified and the unit was drawn and donated at a blood banking center, so there was no possibility of having it reinfused to the donor.

Personally, I think the altitude tents should be banned, although their benefits seem to be rather doubtful.

Comment on As Nationwide Ammunition Shortage Hits Gun-Shop Shelves, Biathletes Seek Bullets by Combat Blog Sun, 24 Jul 2016 05:27:54 +0000 Dealing With The Great Ammo Shortage

[…] as amputation/limb loss, blindness/visual impairment, spinal cord injury/wheelch […]

Comment on EISA Racing Begins in Rumford by xf30 Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:37:43 +0000 Heard the Canadians were flouroing up for the classic race…

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by kwikgren Wed, 21 Jan 2015 21:27:57 +0000 I applaud the efforts of all of our skiers duking it out over in Europe. Some of the way things have played out so far with USST-Nordic has been a bit of a puzzlement to me sitting in the cheap seats, but I’m certainly in no position to judge. I especially want to congratulate Rosie, Caitlin, Kyle, Kris, and Dakota for dealing with cold, snowy weather and winning races in Houghton. That’s what skiing is all about!

I’ve read these articles on both FS and USSA and find them to be very similar in substance, informative, and I am unaware of the underlying conspiracies purported to exist. You want harsh criticism or the coldest of snubs, that’s what the mainstream media is for. Even after Lindsey Vonn’s 15 minutes are up, all the media really wants are stories about her personal life and the more controversial the better. Nordic skiing? All the press wants are numbers of Olympic gold medals to glorify U.S. nationalism. They will never understand how, to some of us, this sport of Nordic skiing transcends all of that. So maybe being part of a subculture is not all that bad.

One difference I noticed between the FS and USSA websites is that on USSA below every article there is a link to contribute money, while at the bottom of FS articles there is place for these comments. Maybe FS should charge $1 per word of comment. Of course from me being a lowly yooper and all there isn’t going to be any money, but I will donate all of my empty beer cans worth 10 cents each. The only catch is that you have to come to the U.P. and brave snowy weather to get them. If you stay and ski, I will even give you some full ones.

Ken Wikgren (nada credentials, just a ski enthusiast)

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by teamepokeedsbyn Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:53:28 +0000 Mr. Kelly – they should take away Mr. Runkle’s meal card at the dartmouth cafeteria….that will teach the snippy little wannabe. Go big Green!
Mr. Nordic Dave, I present, that, while development of established racers is a event trip funding is an issue, the real salvation, for this sport, now and in the future, lies in recruitment, as in finding/seeking/introducing those to the sport whom would not ever participate but for said recruitment efforts. Holding BKL events for local ski-town kids does not fill that need. Busing in kids from a non-skiing locals to try the BKL events would be more important example. Recruitment will lead to finding genetic freaks, and a more robust industry, which is most vital. Rember those Dannon Series in cities? Recruitment is Something that is the responsibility of the NGB, but clearly not even on the USSA radar.
To the prognosticators/devils advocates Runkle and Moody, I think you are funny, keep it up.
To Faster Skier website, please offer Jim Galanes a blog, he has some interesting points, and I googled his name and he was a top racer like 100 years ago. Plus it would be funny to see Runkle and Moody rip him a new one.

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by chuckrunkle Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:38:28 +0000 This is just getting confusing. I apologize, on my own accord, for my gross sarcasm. I know who Galanes, Kelly, and Caldwell are, and I have a lot of respect for those guys. Admittedly, they know much more than I do about nordic and are good dudes. I was only on here to have some fun and drum up some more traffic to the comments section, I hope someone can appreciate that and my stupid sense of humor and see it as only that. Everyone is right, none of this contributes to good discussion or dialogue. Real names should be used on Fasterskier, but it was fun to use a made-up persona for a while! And my comments to nordic-dave were legit, he is doing great things. I just wanted some more tough questions from Fasterskier. This marks the end of the Chuck Runkle era.
Runkle is ankling- forever!`

Comment on EISA Racing Begins in Rumford by Adam Terko Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:08:11 +0000 Noted and corrected, thank you!

Comment on EISA Racing Begins in Rumford by XCabbott Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:54:16 +0000 Abbott, not Abbot.

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by Tim Kelley Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:53:51 +0000 “therealchuckrunkle” … ha, what an idiot, you just blew your cover. You need to come up with better handles and not use the same format all the time. Remember the time you tried to get an account on FS for “therealtimkelley”? Well, FS sent me your email on that for verification, and it was easy to Google-sleuth and find out who you are. You are not a Nordic combined skier. You are on the Dartmouth ski team. (It’s because of you I won’t be donating to Friends of Dartmouth Skiing again until you are gone. ) You’ve been a plague on FS commenting for a long time. Want me to name your name? Get a life, stop posting on FS and please … seek professional help for your mental illness. Have a nice day.

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by T.Eastman Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:33:29 +0000 Jeezum, some skiers put in a pretty danged good effort, an article written in normal sports reporting style describes the event for the folks back home, and then the grump parade…

… if you don’t like how the system is run, fix it, don’t whine here.

BTW, skiing even in a poor snow year still beats any other sport!

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by therealchuckrunkle Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:15:12 +0000 I’d like to apologize for many of my previous posts.

I have been using FS comments to vent frustrations about being a US Nordic Combined athlete who was never able to commit myself enough to meet the goals that I had laid out for myself. Deep down I know, as I’m sure you all do, that trying to be a top-tier athlete in the nordic sports is challenging. There are very real issues with governance, funding, sponsorship, culture, and logistics that pose a handicap American athletes. The efforts of the USST should be open to healthy debate. Yet when I reflect upon my commenting history I realize that my tone has not always been focused on finding solutions.

Having some of my most recent comments hidden from public view has made me realize that while we all cherish free speech there is a difference between having a forum for discussion versus attempting to squash meaningful debate. It dawned on me that ignorance of USST’s stated goals (some of which are open to debate), historical precedents within the American nordic community (not all of which should continue), and the efforts of more mature members of the community (many of whom have been witness to previous success/challenge cycles), does not assist me in my analysis of current events. Upon reflection if I had wanted to engage in meritless debate I could have done that on my own athlete website. I think I chose to do it here because of the anonymity (as I understand that my personal sponsors and supporting organizations would probably not have wanted to be associated with my posts) of what I have posted, and because of the number of people who read FS… as opposed to my personal blog which gets almost no traffic as I haven’t posted to it in over a year.

So… I would like to suggest an upgrade to the comment section. While there are many examples of very positive discussion surrounding articles the faceless posting system can encourage poor behaviour. Could a real-name system be adopted? I’ve seen systems that require a Facebook sign-in. This is not a perfect solution (I would hate for someone to be excluded from adding constructive thoughts to discussion because they had no Facebook account) but to ensure that FS remains a viable and growing platform which encourages community engagement we can’t continue down the path that I, and a few others, have happily carved. Free speech can only be free when we are willing to accept responsibility for sharing our ideas.


Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by hankmoody Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:10:32 +0000 Who is that poser? And can’t you come up with your own name? Haha chuck would never write with such pompous introspection. I am sure this is yet another Dartmouth grad. I just came across a recent Matt Taibbi article. He says it better than the poser Runkle:

“If we try to shun or hide ideas, they tend to pop up on the edges somewhere in garishly loud form, where we end up having to talk about them anyway, the key word being talk. These ideas don’t have to be right, they can even be very wrong, but their existence is supposed to be healthy.

This is a core principle of who we are and not a difficult one, which makes all this frantic running sideways away from a few offensive cartoons that much more ridiculous. People seem more worried about being mistaken for holding disreputable ideas than they are proud to be correctly identified as citizens of a free-speech society. Are we really all so insecure?”

I submit — the cross country ski world really is that insecure.

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Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by therealchuckrunkle Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:50:21 +0000 I’d like to apologize for many of my previous posts.

I have been using FS comments to vent frustrations about being a US Nordic athlete who was never able to commit myself enough to meet the goals that I had laid out for myself. Deep down I know, as I’m sure you all do, that trying to be a top-tier athlete in the nordic sports is challenging. There are very real issues with governance, funding, sponsorship, culture, and logistics that pose a handicap American athletes. The efforts of the USST should be open to healthy debate. Yet when I reflect upon my commenting history I realize that my tone has not always been focused on contributing positively to finding solutions.

Having some of my most recent comments hidden from public view has made me realize that while we all cherish free speech there is a difference between having a forum for discussion versus attempting to squash meaningful debate. It has been dawned on me that ignorance of USST’s stated goals (some of which are open to debate), historical precedents within the American nordic community (not all of which should continue to be followed), and the efforts of more mature members of the community (many of whom have seen , does not assist me in my analysis of current events.

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by chuckrunkle Wed, 21 Jan 2015 14:17:15 +0000 Jacob,
I am going to do you a favor and not reply to you because your post was nothing more than one giant excuse as to why the USST is doing poorly and why they do not have to answer our questions.

Nordic Dave- Mad props. You da man. You are doing a great job. I hope Rosie is getting some financial support for this trip and is getting better wax than Fastwax Salmon.

One thing that has become increasingly apparent is that the nordic community is disgustingly tight circled. Do I really not deserve to be in the sport or own a pair of nordic skis Mr. Kelley? That kind of attitude is exactly what our sport needs.

This is why the dialogue in skiing sucks. The USST and Grover want to keep their training one huge secret and they don’t want to say what they did different, or mention how many travel days Kikkan has had bouncing around between Alaska, the main States, and Europe.

I wish Nordic Dave good luck, because USST XC is not far behind NC in getting the ax unless they get some medals. Just wait.

Runkle is ankling!

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by nordic_dave Wed, 21 Jan 2015 14:04:14 +0000 First, my hat’s off to Rosie she is having a transformational year. Major atta gurl there!

I don’t know who many of the commenters are posted here, don’t really care, sometimes they can be clever, other times not.
I want thank John Caldwell for getting me riled up on FS 8 years ago which created the mother of all commenting responses in the world U.S. Cross Country skiing. Today John is my friend and I have gotten to know his family as well. I also get to talk Marty often and find his insight timeless.

My point is IF we are ever going to have the sustained success we crave on the world stage, it will take generations helping generations get to the next level. THAT is the difference between the U.S. and the best nations that produce great skiers generation after generation. Although money, great coaching, exercise science, etc.. all play a role , providing help where it be best used with the know how to get it done is the key here. As a once problem admirer to taking action, I can share with you it’s a very bumpy road to smooth out. Personally I still see some major obstacles ahead to achieve a goal of supierior results but i can also say improvements have been made. Having put in a lot of time and effort and not seeing a podium at the Olympics and other major events is extremily frustrating and I hope we continue to find better solutions.

One thing we all have in common is we love this sport. Let’s provide the best ideas and help we can whether it is at a local level or at an international level.

Dave Knoop a.k.a. nordic_dave

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by hankmoody Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:22:59 +0000 Ah Jacob is yet another member of the cross-country elite. only his “informed” views have validity. I guess the BKL tradition of a ribbon to every participant should be continued on the world cup? or at least on the USST if one were to believe FS. I think there are a few athletes who have had success this year (both bjornsens, ida, caldwell on the mend)… the rest are struggling. The groverian plan of “peaking” for world championships is BS. Are we to assume the norwegians, swedes, russians et al. are not going to peak? so — the so-called “peaking” americans need to first make up the deficit they relinquished to this “peaking” plan and then they need to improve more than their likewise peaking competitors to get back to the same place they were a year ago. in order to do that they need an assist from dr. shiffrin — hey he went to Dartmouth too right? maybe grover or that caldwell guy can help with that?

Jabot your “institutional memory” is damaged. marty hall and mike gallagher both ran programs with tremendous success including the men winning a world cup relay.

as for runkle, he’s an idiot. but i applaud the right of idiots to speak their mind. even if they didn’t go to dartmouth and they don’t know jimmy the greek.

Comment on USA II’s Sargent, Brennan in the Money in Sixth in Otepää Team Sprint by Martin Hall Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:21:26 +0000 What trash up above—WOW!!!!
A comment on the WSC and the focus by the USST since the beginning to be totally ready for these WSC games—-good luck—where did they came up with this strategy I’ll never know? I’m not sure they can allow themselves the chance of taking this approach to ski the beginning of the season at a lower level then the previous year—because they were too hot and compromised there prep for the Olympics and essentially flopped.
After Rybinsk—-there is a 3 (yes, 3 week ) break before 2 WCs in Oestersund and then 3 days more before the WSC begin in Falun! With this amount of time you should be able to recover from almost any sickness a skier could have, tear a trng program apart and put a new one in place for any skier that is not performing up to snuff, take any number of days off if fatigue is the problem, find some extra races of any distance on one of the two weekends before Oestersund if a skier needs those kinds of intensities, do altitude trng for 10 days to 2 weeks and still get enough low altitude time to work on the racing gears.
Those guys should have been trying to be as hot as may be the Norwegians were to start the season and then adjust schedules like I pointed out above—-or even to the point, you make a Kikkan Randall adjustment and go home to Alaska for 16 days.
I can tell you there was not too much brain smoke being developed from May until November—-you guys (USST coaches) should talk around more—-nothing beats experience.
We know there are some irons in the fire at different temperatures—but you have time on your side—my choice for low altitude camp is in Sweden any where—make it easy to get to and Sieser Alm for high altitude—Davos is compromise–it is not a true altitude location.
Well, it sure is going to be fun—reading all the blogs, twitters and FS and ST reports for the next month—can’t wait.
